Getting SCOTTISH PRISONER before release day

There have been several reports in the last few days of people seeing THE SCOTTISH PRISONER in bookstores before the release day.  I've heard from fans in Germany and the Philippines who have the book already.  Someone on Compuserve reported yesterday that she was able to buy the audiobook (CD version) in a bookstore in the Charlotte, NC, area.

If you're lucky enough to get an early copy of the book, I would just ask you PLEASE not to reveal any details about the plot (in your comments here on my blog, on Compuserve, or on Diana Gabaldon's Facebook page) until the official release date, which is Tuesday, November 29.

I can understand the urge to share your reactions once you've read it, but it's not fair to everybody else who has to wait eight more days.

Thanks for your cooperation.


  1. I saw that someone had posted on DG's FB page about how they were already reading SP. I was verra confused.... I'm surprised that the publisher is allowing this to happen. I used to work at a computer software store, and if we had released a computer program or game before the specified date, we would have been in serious trouble!
  2. Thanks for talking about this, Karen -- after taking a look at DG's twitter feed this morning, I'm almost scared to read anything SP related...spoilers everywhere! Theresa
  3. author-avatar November 28, 2011 at 6:46 PM
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    I already have my copy, in Paris--quelle joie!
    And Karen , you're right, it should be ce bateau, though the whole expression is awkward French


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