FIERY CROSS unabridged audiobook update!

Diana Gabaldon posted the following update on her blog today about the unabridged audio version of THE FIERY CROSS, narrated by Davina Porter:
OK, I talked to my agent (who talked to Recorded Books–who made and owns the Unabridged audiobook). The license for the ABRIDGED recording has now expired, which means that Recorded Books _can_ go ahead and sell the recording through and other retail outlets. However, they couldn’t do a contract with for this _until_ the other license expired–which it did, yesterday. So they’ll do the contract as quickly as they can, and as soon as that’s done, THE FIERY CROSS will be on Audible “within a matter of hours,” they said.
This is wonderful news for OUTLANDER audiobook fans!

UPDATE 11/3/2011 7:43 pm: Here's the link to the FIERY CROSS download page on audible.

I happen to be listening to FIERY CROSS unabridged on CD myself at the moment -- will probably listen to the hanging scene tomorrow or the next day -- and I'm delighted to hear that it's going to be more widely available very soon.

By the way, don't be alarmed if you hear about changes at Recorded Books (the company that produces the OUTLANDER and Lord John audiobooks). It's true that they have officially gotten out of the business of selling audiobooks to consumers, as they wrote in this email I received yesterday:
Due to a broad change in strategic direction, we have decided to exit the “direct to consumer” audiobook market and concentrate exclusively on our institutional and digital business lines. This was not an easy decision for Recorded Books, which was founded over 30 years ago as a direct to consumer audiobooks rental business. We have enjoyed bringing the world of audiobooks to our dedicated customers/listeners and are proud of how our efforts have helped the audiobook industry grow. However, we recognize that we are no longer competitive in the consumer space and it is time for a change. As of 10/31/11 Simply Audiobooks will begin servicing our customers needs.
But before you panic or jump to conclusions, please note that it appears this decision only affects how the audiobooks are marketed and sold to consumers. You will still be able to get the OUTLANDER and Lord John audiobooks from other retailers (Amazon, B&N,, etc.)  You just won't be able to buy or rent the audiobooks directly from Recorded Books anymore. I asked about this on Compuserve yesterday and Diana said that was her understanding as well.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.