Learning Gaelic

I saw the following link on Compuserve this morning and wanted to pass it on.


This looks like a wonderful resource for learning the Gaidhlig language!
Welcome to LearnGaelic, a one-stop shop for anyone and everyone interested in learning Scottish Gaelic. Whatever stage you are at, and whatever age you are, all the help you need is just a click away.
The site includes a Gaelic/English dictionary and thesaurus, and more than 400 video clips from a television series called "Speaking Our Language", designed to teach useful words and phrases in Gaelic.

There are resources on the site for kids as well as adults.

I haven't had time to do more than glance at it yet, but it looks like the sort of site that would be fun to explore. (Thanks very much to Kevin Fulton on Compuserve for the link!)


  1. That sounds fun :)

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