50 days and counting.....

We're now at 50 days and counting until the release of Diana Gabaldon's THE SCOTTISH PRISONER. What are you doing to get ready for the November 29 release of the book?

- Reading (or re-reading, or listening to) the other Lord John books and stories?  (Up to and including the latest story, "Lord John and the Plague of Zombies", which was just published last week.)

- Clearing your calendar of any distractions that might get in the way of reading during the week after it's released?

- Pre-ordering from Amazon, B&N, the Poisoned Pen, or elsewhere?

- Reading all the excerpts and #DailyLines about SCOTTISH PRISONER that you can find?

- Distracting yourself by reading other things? (I just finished THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MRS. TOM THUMB, which was an interesting read, if a bit depressing.)

- None of the above?

For those of you who are still undecided about whether you want to read SCOTTISH PRISONER or not, I'll just remind you that half of this book is told from Jamie Fraser's point of view. That's several hundred pages, at least, of a piece of Jamie's life (in 1760, during his time at Helwater) that we know very little about from the main OUTLANDER books.

You can see more information about SCOTTISH PRISONER on Diana Gabaldon's blog here.


  1. Can't wait! Starting Friday, I'll be hosting a Lord John Read-Along on my blog. I'm going to read all of the Lord John stories in chronological order (one per week) and post my thoughts every Friday. I hope you and your readers will join in!

  2. I'll pre-order it to have it delivered onto my Kindle, and hopefully read it as soon as it shows up on my book menu! (having said that, I've downloaded "Plague of Zombies", but Life has been a bit busy on the homefront, so I'll need to hurry and read that, first ;)
  3. Listening to AN ECHO IN THE BONE recorded books. There are 40 discs and I am almost through them all. Have to get them back to the library this time. They won't let me renew for the umpteenth time. I will miss hearing all the voices. sigh...wish I could afford the set.

    Need to start a re-read but can't make up my mind which book to pick up and get started. lol


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