Some news about the SCOTTISH PRISONER audiobook

I noticed today that the Recorded Books site is now showing Diana Gabaldon's upcoming novel, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, as available for pre-order on CD, with a release date of November 29, the same day the book will be published in hardcover and e-book format.

Here is the direct link to the SCOTTISH PRISONER page.  If it doesn't work for you, go to, click on "Direct to Consumer", and search for "Scottish Prisoner".  (For some reason, the book is still listed under its old title of "Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner" on the Recorded Books site.)

They are estimating 13 CDs with a total time of 15.5 hours.  Just by way of comparison, LORD JOHN AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE was also 13 CDs, and 15.75 hours.

In case you're wondering, Diana has said the SCOTTISH PRISONER audiobook will also be available on, probably on or soon after the November 29 release date.  It's not yet listed there, but keep checking audible's site for further updates.

Interestingly, the SCOTTISH PRISONER page on the Recorded Books site doesn't specify who will be narrating this audiobook.  So I asked Diana, on Compuserve, if she knows the answer to that, and here is what she wrote back:
I'd suggested to [Recorded Books] that they consider doing two narrators for this, as half of the book is in Jamie's viewpoint, and it seemed incongruous to have his viewpoint done in Lord John's voice. The producer agreed with me, and went to great lengths in auditioning actors for the second (Jamie) voice--we both were sure we wanted Jeff Woodman to do the Lord John half of the book; he just _is_ Lord John. <g>

Anyway, the actor doing Jamie's half of the story will be Rick Holmes, and his name is absolutely all I know about him.
I think this is good news...provided that this Rick Holmes can manage a decent Scottish accent. <crossing fingers>  All due respect to Mr. Woodman, but many fans (including me!) really disliked his Jamie-voice in BOTB.  I'm delighted, however, that he will be doing Lord John's part of the book.

If anyone out there has heard any audiobooks narrated by Rick Holmes, please let us know what you think of him as a reader.


  1. I just listened to a sample of him on - nice voice, but we'll have to wait and see about the accent!
  2. I don't think Audible announces upcoming releases so you won't find any word of it until it is actually available to download. I'm hoping it will be the release date-maybe around the beginning of November I'll email their customer service and inquire.
  3. I'm another who thinks Jeff Woodman is awesome as Lord John but disappointing as Jamie. Davina Porter did such a great Jamie voice that she (possibly) spoiled me for any other voice. However, fingers crossed that Rick Holmes will do a stellar job!

    thx for the update! :)
  4. You will not be able to get The Scottish Prisoner from Recorded Books. Read the email below they sent to me.

    "Dear Ms. Southard,

    We want to thank you for having extended to Recorded Books the opportunity to be your audiobook subscription supplier. We are proud of our Recorded Books sales and rental audiobook offerings and have worked hard over the years to earn your trust and loyalty through quality audiobooks and personalized customer service.

    Due to a broad change in strategic direction, we have decided to exit the “direct to consumer” audiobook market and concentrate exclusively on our institutional and digital business lines. This was not an easy decision for Recorded Books, which was founded over 30 years ago as a direct to consumer audiobooks rental business. We have enjoyed bringing the world of audiobooks to our dedicated customers/listeners and are proud of how our efforts have helped the audiobook industry grow. However, we recognize that we are no longer competitive in the consumer space and it is time for a change. As of 10/31/11 Simply Audiobooks will begin servicing our customers needs.

    Please be advised that part of your order 74406078 has not yet been released/ is on backorder and will not be available for shipping by Recorded Books. The item(s) below did not ship and have been canceled. You were not charged for this title:

    The Scottish Prisoner

    If you have further questions please let me know.


    Estelle Cattell
    Customer Service
    Recorded Books LLC
    270 Skipjack Rd
    Prince Frederick, MD 20678"

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