No book-tour for SCOTTISH PRISONER

Some disappointing news yesterday, for those of you who were hoping to see Diana Gabaldon in person following the November 29 release of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER.

Diana posted the following comment on her blog yesterday:
No, I’m not doing any touring for this book--none of the publishers want to do it (probably largely the thought of Hideous Expense in these days of recession {g}), and frankly, neither do I. I want to stay put and work on WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD!
There will be a launch party at the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale, AZ (watch for details about that on Diana's blog as the date gets closer), but that's about it.

I'm somewhat ambivalent about this news. On the one hand, I would have loved to get a chance to see Diana again in person, assuming they sent her anywhere near North Carolina.  On the other hand, she's been traveling so much in the last two years that she really deserves to take a break for a while, to stay home and focus on writing WRITTEN (or MOHB, or Book 8, or whatever you want to call it <g>).

And purely on a personal note, I would add that it's easier for me, as Section Leader of the Diana Gabaldon folder on the Compuserve Books and Writers Community, when Diana is home and able to help answer questions and respond to comments. So I am really not disappointed to hear that she'll be staying put for a while.

Anyway, I just wanted to pass this along, so that those of you wondering about Diana's travel plans don't get your hopes up for a SCOTTISH PRISONER book-tour. You can always check the Appearances page on Diana's web site for the latest updates on her travel plans.


  1. Are there any blog tours in the works?
  2. Teresa:

    Funny you should mention blog tours, because the subject came up on Compuserve this morning.

    Look here. You can see that Diana seems amenable to the idea in theory, but she's never actually done one before.


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