Diana Gabaldon's official Facebook page!
Already she's posting some very interesting little tidbits on that page. For example:

Now that is very exciting, if it proves to be true! <crossing fingers> I like the symmetry of a "trilogy of trilogies" very much.

My suggestions: a goblet of red wine for PRIVATE MATTER (this was actually suggested by someone on Compuserve, but I like the idea), a cannon for BOTB, and a compass (for "true north" and all that) for HAND OF DEVILS. Feel free to post your suggestions here.

I already knew most of this, but it's nice to have official confirmation that they are at least still working on a possible movie.
Finally, Diana made this comment on Compuserve the other day and I thought it was worth repeating:
If you see a post with my photo on it, it's from me--UNLESS it says "[admin]" next to it, in which case it's one of the Random House people addressing a technical issue.
Also, Karen I really like your cover art suggestions!
- Lara