Diana Gabaldon's official Facebook page!

Diana Gabaldon unveiled her "official" Facebook page last week. You can go here to see it.

Already she's posting some very interesting little tidbits on that page.  For example:

Now that is very exciting, if it proves to be true! <crossing fingers> I like the symmetry of a "trilogy of trilogies" very much.

My suggestions: a goblet of red wine for PRIVATE MATTER (this was actually suggested by someone on Compuserve, but I like the idea), a cannon for BOTB, and a compass (for "true north" and all that) for HAND OF DEVILS. Feel free to post your suggestions here.

I already knew most of this, but it's nice to have official confirmation that they are at least still working on a possible movie.

Finally, Diana made this comment on Compuserve the other day and I thought it was worth repeating:
If you see a post with my photo on it, it's from me--UNLESS it says "[admin]" next to it, in which case it's one of the Random House people addressing a technical issue.


  1. I'm really enjoying seeing Diana on Facebook and she's posting some great stuff!

    Also, Karen I really like your cover art suggestions!

    - Lara

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