An update from Diana

Diana Gabaldon is finally back from her trip to Scotland, and this morning she posted a very long and detailed explanation on Compuserve of what remains to be done in the next few weeks before THE SCOTTISH PRISONER is finally sent to the printers.

Take the time to read through the whole thing. I thought it was extremely interesting, to see how the production process works.

Diana says that they're planning to distribute ARC copies of SCOTTISH PRISONER for reviewers, something they haven't done for her books in many years. I suspect they're trying to make the point that this isn't "just" a Lord John novel, that it should be judged on its own merits.

Also, for those of you who follow Diana's #DailyLines on Twitter, she's started posting them again. <g>

Many of you are wondering how Book 8 is coming along. Here's what Diana had to say about that:
Now, there are brief lag periods where the ms. has gone back to the editor and not yet come back to me, during which I can actually work on other stuff, like Book Eight (I do believe I have a Real Title, btw, but am going to keep it to myself for a bit, 'til I'm sure of it). <g> But I won't have my real Work Mode back again until SCOTTISH PRISONER has actually gone to bed--probably around the end of August, first week of September (during which I'll be at DragonCon, too).

There's a surprise at the very end of Diana's post, by the way -- a brief snippet from a new story she's working on, featuring Jamie and Ian! (Feel free to comment on that excerpt here if you want to.)

I'm very much relieved that Diana is back home. As Section Leader of the Diana Gabaldon folder on the Compuserve Books and Writers Community, I do my best to answer questions and keep things under control when Diana is traveling, but my job gets much easier, and more fun, when she's around!


  1. I wish she would just stick to finishing book 8 and get on with it already.
  2. *smile* don't we all, but after reading her home page on her website I now understand how busy she is and how she multi-tasks. I will enjoy the anticipation awaiting book 8 and fantasize over what Jaime and Claire are up to.
  3. Do you know where they will be offering the giveaways for the ARC's of The Scottish Prisoner?
  4. If 'Scottish Prisoner' is an account of Jaime's experiences while in prison, etc, I'm IN!! I'll happily wait for book 8, 9 AND 10! It's a story well told (Claire and Jaime) but certainly Jaime has a side to tell as well, and we only hear (read it) later in the retelling to Claire! I'd LOVE to hear (read!) more of what was happening for Jaime WHILE it was happening, ah, so to speak! LOVE IT!
  5. Lisa - I'm sure that after all the editing and last minute items are finished for SCOTTISH PRISONER (within about a month from now), Book 8 will move to the top of her work pile and likely stay there for the rest of 2011 and 2012, until it's done. She is still saying she expects to finish writing Book 8 by the end of 2012.

  6. Alicia - sorry, I have no idea. I would suggest contacting Random House (Diana's US publisher) to ask them that question directly.

  7. Lisa S-W:

    I think we'll be in for a treat with SCOTTISH PRISONER. :-) It takes place in 1760, during the period when Jamie was at Helwater, and it's told half from Jamie's point of view and half from Lord John's.

  8. Thanks Karen.
  9. I've been enjoying Diana's #DailyLines on Twitter! And I'm verra excited for Scottish Prisoner in just over 3 months!!
  10. I may be being stupid, but how do I find the excerpt about Jamie and Ian? Don't know my way around compuserve if its on there, and couldn't see it on her blog......
  11. Jo - it's not on her blog, it's a post on Compuserve. Go look at the second paragraph of my post above. The link is there. You have to click "View Full Message" at the bottom of Diana's post on Compuserve in order to see all of it; the excerpt is at the very end of that long message and it is NOT visible unless you click "View Full Message". And it's really short, just a few lines.

    Hope this helps.

  12. thank you! I'm being such a dimwit today! lol. Ooh...I take it that's after Culloden when he is sent home by Hal. She makes me soooo happy with all these extra bits. Hope they'll be published as one big book one day...till then, I'm glad you are so capable at telling us where to get all the bits and bobs. Sterling work! x

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