Outlandish Observations is 3 years old!

Today is the 3rd anniversary of the launch of my blog, Outlandish Observations! In honor of the occasion, here are a few statistics about Outlandish Observations:
  • Average number of visitors per day (in the last 30 days): 252 (up from about 240 a year ago)
  • Best response to monthly poll: 508 responses to the July poll
  • Fans of the Outlandish Observations page on Facebook: 383 (this time last year, that number was barely 200)
  • Subscribers to the blog's RSS feed: 393 (up from 298 a year ago)
  • Total posts: 532 so far, including this one. :-)
I was thrilled to see Outlandish Observations get some public recognition during the past year:
Thank you all so much for your continued support!


  1. Congratulations Karen! Yours is the Outlander blog I turn to for all the latest information. All of your hard work is appreciated!
  2. Thanks so much!

  3. Happy Blogoversary. 3 years is quite an accomplishment. Thank you for constantly coming up with interesting posts to hold us all over until each new release!

    MichelleKCanada @AnotherLookBook
  4. Congrats for three years! :)
  5. Thanks, Michelle, that's much appreciated! :-)

  6. Thanks, Nenya!

  7. Happy Blogoversary! I am here with you every day. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date and informed! It is a great blog.
  8. Thanks, Vickie! So glad you've been enjoying my blog. :-)

  9. Congratulations Karen and keep on blogging! I visit your site often while traversing through the Adgitize maze and often stop to read some of your posts. I enjoy your site and its content and wish you many more blogging years! John Lottery .....
  10. Thanks, John! I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying my blog. Also glad to hear the Adgitize ad is working. :-)

  11. Congratulations long way to go!
  12. Thanks, Mona!

  13. This is the first (and usually only) site I visit for my Outlander/Diana information and fix! Thank you, Karen, for a great place to come to. Happy Blogoversary!
  14. Dear Karen,

    Belated congratulations on your anniversary.

    You are doing such great work on this blog and I have got so much great added information about the 18th century, both in Scotland and America.
  15. Congratulations Karen! Happy anniversary!
  16. Shannon - Thanks! That's very gratifying, believe me! :-)

    Jari - Thanks, I really appreciate that. I'm always fascinated to see what the things/people/places in the books actually looked like, so those posts are a lot of fun for me to put together.

    Deniz - thanks very much!

  17. Congratulations and keep on blogging!! MarthaB

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.