Video of Diana at Sir Walter Scott conference

Here's a long but very interesting video of Diana Gabaldon's recent appearance at the Sir Walter Scott symposium in Laramie, Wyoming.  (Thanks to Nikki Rowe, who runs Diana's YouTube channel, for the link!)

The video runs about an hour (45 minute talk plus 15-20 minutes of Q&A) but it's definitely worth watching.


  1. I was there and it was the highlight of my year. Definitely worth watching!

  2. Lara:

    Lucky you :-) It was a very interesting and entertaining talk! I'm happy for you that you have a video record of the whole thing.

  3. Great recording! I really enjoyed watching the entire video. I never seem to get tired of hearing the Dr Who story.

    Thanks for posting it.
  4. That was so interesting, thank you for posting it, Karen!

    I have been reading the Book 8 excerpts, so the one that she read here wasn't news to me. Though it was fun hearing her read it out loud! Did anyone else get excited when she mentioned a certain historical figure who would return in Book 8? I had goosebumps! :-D

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