A very special gift for Diana

Yesterday was a very special day for Diana Gabaldon and a lucky group of OUTLANDER fans from the Ladies of Lallybroch.
For Christmas 2010 and her birthday in January 2011, The Ladies of Lallybroch (TM) dedicated a bench at Culloden House to Diana. July 25, 2011, Judy Lowstuter and Elenna Loughlin met with Diana and unveiled her bench on behalf of LOL.
Check out the slideshow of photos here.

Here are some of Diana's comments about it, from Twitter (she's @Writer_DG):
Lovely day lolling at Culloden House, and sitting (ceremoniously) on the new "Diana Gabaldon" bench in the beautiful garden--thanks to LOL!  LOL being the delightful Ladies of Lallybroch--especially Judy Lowstuter of Celtic Journeys, who thought up the bench (LOL paid for it).

The Ladies put a nice plaque on the bench: "DIANA GABALDON, Given by the Ladies of Lallybroch, 2011".

I was very touched and grateful. If one of the ladies sends me photos of me/bench, I'll post one. <g>
Congratulations to Judie R., Judy Lowstuter, Elenna Loughlin, and everyone else involved! What a wonderful tribute to Diana.

I hope to be able to see this bench in person some day, if I ever make it to Scotland.


  1. I will look for it when I'm there next month and take a picture! Thanks for the update!
  2. That's lovely. Great pictures.

  3. How meaningful!

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