I saw this on Amazon last night and wanted to pass it on:

SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH will be out in paperback on October 25, 2011.

For those of you who don't know, SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH is the anthology containing Diana's short story, "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" (the story of Roger MacKenzie's parents). If you haven't yet read this story, I highly recommend it!

The audio version of SONGS is also being released on October 25, 2011.

So, that gives OUTLANDER fans something else to look forward to this fall -- which is already shaping up to be pretty eventful! <g> For the full list of Diana's upcoming releases for the remainder of 2011, please see the Release Dates FAQ.


  1. Ooh, thanks for the info, Karen! Yes, this is definitely mandatory reading for anyone who has read Echo in the Bone.... ;-)

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