SCOTTISH PRISONER will be out November 29!

It's official -- Diana Gabaldon's novel THE SCOTTISH PRISONER will be published on Tuesday, November 29, 2011!

As far as I know, this includes:
  • Hardcover publication in the US, Canada, and the UK (I have no information about availability in other countries)

  • Kindle and Nook editions (and presumably other e-book formats as well)
The book is still not listed on Amazon's US site, but I found this on Random House's Diana Gabaldon page, with the release date listed as November 29. And it's available for pre-order (in both hardcover and e-book format) on the Barnes & Noble site here.

This is very exciting news! Please pass it on to anyone else you know who may be interested.


  1. GREAT news! As soon as I finish my re-read of the first 6 books, I am excited to move on to the LJ series. I now have a goal in which to finish and be ready for The Scottish Prisoner at the end of November!
  2. YAY!! Thanks for the update, Karen. :-)
  3. Rats... wouldn't you know it, my birthday is November 30. :)

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