Help us celebrate the 20th Anniversary Edition!

Happy Independence Day to all of you in the US!

As many of you know, the special 20th Anniversary Edition of OUTLANDER will be published on Tuesday, July 5th, in the US and Canada.  I have put together a FAQ about the 20th Anniversary Edition; I hope it's helpful.

If you are on Twitter, you can help us celebrate the publication of the 20th Anniversary Edition by tagging your tweets on July 5th with #Outlander20. (Thanks to Susan McCreadie, aka the_bothy on Twitter, for the suggestion!)  When I mentioned this idea to Diana on Twitter the other day, her response was, "#Outlander20 sounds like a great idea to me!"

Please help us get the word out to all the OUTLANDER fans on Twitter. And even if you don't have a Twitter account, you can see all the #Outlander20 tweets here.

You can see Diana Gabaldon's tweets here.  She's Writer_DG on Twitter.

Tomorrow should be a fun day. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks of the extras included in the new book.


  1. My Barnes and Noble finally got this in stock! It's beautiful! It's my first 'real' copy of the book, the rest being only on my Nook right now. I only just started the series! So, I'm glad that this was the first 'real' book I've gotten my hands on...

    Also, wanted to share, I also received the Outlander Audio Book finally! Cannot wait to hear the Gaelic pronounced!
  2. Shannon:

    It's a gorgeous-looking book, isn't it? I just love the way it felt in my hands, when I picked up a copy briefly in B&N on Tuesday.

    Hope you enjoy the audiobooks! I think Davina Porter's narrations are just wonderful. She gets better as the book and the series progresses.

  3. It's lovely! And I didn't realize it included selections from Outlander The Musical as glad to have it in my possession!

    Thank you, Karen!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.