And the winner is....

I'm delighted to announce the winner of the OUTLANDER 20th Anniversary Contest:

Rinah Benoliel!

Congratulations, Rinah!!  Your name was randomly selected from among the 77 entries I received for the contest.

I just sent you an email requesting your mailing address, and how you would like Diana to inscribe your copy of the 20th Anniversary Edition.  Please send me an email back as soon as possible so I can put the order in to the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Arizona.

Many, many thanks to all of you who took the time to send in contest entries!!  I know that wasn't easy!

I have begun putting the collection of essays together.  It's a substantial collection, 77 individual essays (well, 78, counting my own contribution <g>), covering more than 60 pages.  Some of them are funny, some are moving, but all of them are heartfelt, and I'm sure that Diana will appreciate your stories very much.  (I certainly do!)

I received essays from fans all over the world, including countries as far away as Latvia, Finland, and Australia.

I plan to put the package in the mail to Diana in the next few days.  She is traveling at the moment and won't be back home until July 10, so I don't expect to hear her reaction until then.


  1. Congratulations, Rinah! :-)
  2. Congratulations, Rinah :)

    Wow, 60 pages. It will indeed be a delightful anniversary present.

    Karen, thank you for making us all to be a part of it.
  3. Congratulations!

    It was a great contest Karen, thanks!
  4. Congratulations to Rinah!

    Thank you, Karen for the opportunity to share our stories and love of this series; for sharing it with Diana; and for all you do with your blog to keep us all informed and entertained!
  5. Karen!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much. You have a wonderful blog that I love reading and I am so excited that I won your contest! I never win anything!!

    I can't wait to get the book!

    Have a wonderful weekend and again, I cannot thank you enough!!

  6. Rinah - it's my pleasure! <beaming> Hope you enjoy the book!

    And to everyone else -- thanks so much! I'm just thrilled with the way this contest turned out. I hope it was as much fun for the rest of you as it was for me. And I think Diana will really enjoy all of your stories.


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