My interview in RT Book Reviews magazine!

The July 2011 issue of RT Book Reviews magazine (aka Romantic Times) has just been published, and I was thrilled to learn that my interview about OUTLANDER is included!

I haven't yet seen the actual magazine (I'll check the local stores this week) but Diana Gabaldon was kind enough to email me a PDF copy of the article this morning.  It's not included in the online version of the magazine, apparently (believe me, I looked! <g>), so the only way to see it is to get a printed copy of the magazine.

I've never been interviewed before, and I was just delighted to see that the author of the article, Stephanie Klose, included everything I told her. <g>  As I told Diana this morning, "I meant every word of it."  I really couldn't be happier with the way this turned out.  (Nice to see my picture there, too.  That's the same photo that appears on Diana's web site, here.)

If you've seen the article, feel free to post a comment here and tell me what you think.

Diana's reaction: "It was a _really_ nice piece. <g> Thanks so much!"

UPDATE 6/4/2011 11:57 am:  I got a copy of the magazine at Barnes & Noble this morning, and the article looks fantastic!  It's on page 22 of the July issue, if you're looking for it.  I sent an email to the author of the article asking permission to post it online, perhaps after the July issue is no longer on the newsstands.  I really hope she says yes.  I'd love to be able to share it with all of you.  Keep your fingers crossed!

UPDATE 6/7/2011 8:16 pm:  This afternoon I received an email from the publisher, Carol Stacy, saying,
You can post the Web Browser page immediately as long as you [state] that it ran in the July issue of RT Book Reviews magazine and as long as you post the page in its entirety. It would be great if you can link our name to our website.  RT Book Reviews owns the copyright which does not expire.
Click here to view or download the PDF file.  I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Kudos to you! Your blog is terrific! It is my main source of Outlander news, as I am often too busy to check out Compuserve and LOL as much as I'd like.
  2. Cristina:

    Thanks so much! That was precisely the reason I started this blog in the first place, so that all the people out there who don't frequent the larger fan-sites or Compuserve would have a place to go to get the latest news and information about Diana's books.

  3. If you secure written permission from the publication, you then would be able to share the article with the rest of us who otherwise might not have access. This would address any copyright question.

    Carla, Librarian
  4. Carla:

    I asked about the possibility of posting the article online. If it's OK with them, I would love to do that. We'll see what they say.

  5. Nice article! I am a huge DG fan myself (even acknowledged her in my book and sent her a copy in the mail). Good thing Jamie Fraser isn't real or he'd find himself mobbed by adoring ladies pretty quickly! ;)

    Cyndi Tefft

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