SCOTTISH PRISONER e-book available for pre-order!

Attention e-reader owners: The e-book version of Diana Gabaldon's upcoming novel, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, is now available for pre-order on both and Amazon!

Kindle edition

Nook edition

Release date says November 29, 2011, although that's not totally official yet, and may be subject to change. 

I pre-ordered the Nook edition last night with no problem at all. I called B&N's customer service about a separate issue and was assured that my credit card would not be charged until the book actually comes out.

The US hardcover edition is still not listed anywhere that I know of. If I find out any more information about the hardcover release date, of course I'll post it here.

This is the first time I've pre-ordered any of Diana's books in e-book format. I'm looking forward to being able to read SCOTTISH PRISONER on my Nook Color the moment it's released! (I've had my Nook Color about four months and I love it.)

Please pass this information along to anyone else you know who may be interested.  Thanks!


  1. Thanks for the information. I just pre-ordered my Nook version. I love that I wake up and find books right there on my Nook the morning of release. I've pre-ordered several books this way.
  2. Sooo, question here. If I pre-order it, can I do that directly through my Nook and it will be sent directly to my device? I've never actually downloaded anything from my computer to the Nook, just gotten it from the "ether" out there! :)
    Otherwise, I'll just wait and order when it's released?!?
  3. Nevermind! Just pre-ordered it anyway. :)
  4. I have no experience with pre-ordering on the Nook. This will be the first e-book I've pre-ordered. So we'll both have to wait and see what happens. :-)

  5. Except if you are in Australia. You can't preorder this for Kindle if you're in Australia. I wish I could understand why there is still this block, why Diana (or her agent) does not choose to include Australian rights in her contracts for digital editions (Echo being the only exception for Kindle).

    I would pre-order this for Kindle, but my only choice at present is print. Still. Hugely disappointing. I'd buy all of the books (for the third or fourth time - paper, hardback, audio, now Kindle) - if I could. But no. Still. I would like to understand why the Australian market is ignored as it constantly is on the digital rights front.

    The Outlander series is the perfect example of doorstop books which I'd love to have all at once on my ereader (as would be impossible with the print versions). The only title available for the Kindle to Australia in English is Echo; there are NINE OF THE BOOKS IN GERMAN which I could buy; if I spoke German, which I don't. Just adds to the frustration.

    I'm almost amused that the code for this comment is conlike.

    Enjoy being a privileged American Outlander fan and Kindle owner.
  6. Thank you for the Kindle link, Karen! You're the best!

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