Happy Birthday, Jamie Fraser!

Wishing a very happy birthday to our favorite red-heided Scot, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, who celebrates his 290th birthday today! If you are on Twitter and you'd like to help us celebrate Jamie's birthday, please tag your tweets today (May 1) with #HappyBdayJamie.
And if you're not on Twitter, I'm sure you can think of some suitable ways to mark the occasion. <g>
April Poll Results
Here are the results from the April poll:
What is your favorite location in the OUTLANDER books?
- 36.45% - Lallybroch
- 30.32% - Fraser's Ridge
- 26.13% - Anywhere Jamie and Claire happen to be
- 2.90% - Paris
- 1.94% - Edinburgh
- 0.65% - River Run
- 1.61% - Other (please leave a comment!)
I really didn't have any preconceived notions of what the results would be, so it's interesting to see how this ended up. I didn't vote in the poll, but I probably would have gone with Fraser's Ridge. I love their time in North Carolina.
This month's poll is a reprise of one that I did two years ago, about the various ways that readers have found the OUTLANDER books. Please take a moment to vote. Thanks!
Wishing you all a happy Beltane. <g>