ECHO mass-market paperback coming soon!

From the cover picture, it appears they may have toned down the infamous Green Slime color from the trade-paperback edition to something a little easier on the eyes. If that's the case, I'm glad. Personally I think the Green Slime is a hideous color, even if it does stand out vividly on a bookstore shelf. (But then again, I'm biased, because I loved the gold-on-black of the ECHO hardcover.)
[UPDATE 6/4/2011 11:52 am: I saw the book in Barnes & Noble this morning. The Green Slime color is exactly the same on the mass-market paperback as it was on the trade paperback edition. And there are no excerpts from upcoming books included in this book. Oh, well.]
Please pass the word to anyone you know who may be interested.