Diana's "Daily Lines" on Twitter

Diana Gabaldon made the following announcement on Twitter yesterday:
I think I will start something new: posting my favorite line from my day's work each day. Not everyone wants to see such things, so...will title such tweets #DailyLine, to give the avoiders warning. How's that sound?

I told her, "As long as you give us [meaning the excerpt-avoiders] fair warning, sure, why not?"

Most of these quotes on Twitter will probably come from LORD JOHN AND THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, since Diana is in the middle of the Final Frenzy of writing that book at the moment.  (She says on Compuserve that the writing is going very well, by the way.)  But I notice that she's also posting bits from Book 8.

So, if you like to read excerpts, check out Diana on Twitter!  (She's Writer_DG.)

I am also on Twitter, as karenh3a, if you want to follow me.

Please note: As many of you know, I don't read excerpts myself.  So please don't comment on the actual content of those "daily lines" from unpublished books here on my blog. Thanks!


  1. I don't do twitter, but I think this is a *GLORIOUS* idea .....as long as I can remember to check her page. [g]

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