Update from Mike Gibb

I got an email newsletter over the weekend from Mike Gibb, co-creator of Outlander: The Musical, with some OUTLANDER-related news, and I thought I'd pass it along:
A 20th anniversary special edition of the first book of Diana Gabaldon's hugely successful series of books will be published in early July. Additional material in this edition will include a four track sampler CD, three songs being taken from the "Outlander the Musical" CD together with a bonus new song ("Claire's Message").

I am also delighted to report that Diana has accepted an invitation to come to Aberdeen on 30 July for Tartan Day. In addition to attending a performance of Red Harlaw, Diana will be touring other Tartan Day events and doing a book signing in the City Centre.
Please pass this information along to anyone you know who might be interested.

Hmmm...."Claire's Message" -- any speculations on what that song will be about? I can think of a couple of possibilities.

If you haven't yet heard Outlander the Musical, I highly recommend it. My detailed review is here.


  1. I already have the 20th anni. edition on my to-buy list, but now I'm even MORE excited! I didn't know about the little bonus cd, how cool!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.