Silvia's drawings
Speaking as someone who can't draw at all -- I like to joke that my artistic ability peaked in the first grade <g> -- I'm just in awe of what Silvia has been able to do. She really makes Diana's characters come alive. I hope you enjoy her work as much as I have.
With Silvia's permission, I've included a couple of her more recent drawings here, so you can get an idea of why those of us on Compuserve have been enjoying them so much.
Here's Brianna:


Diana's reaction to the drawing of Percy:
Amazing! It's not only an excellent drawing, it actually _is_ very close to what Percy looks like!In addition to these portraits, Silvia has also posted a number of more <cough> explicit drawings in the Erotic Writing folder on Compuserve. Some of them are drawings of sex scenes between Jamie and Claire (or others), and some of them are just "intimate moments" (the octopus picture, for example, is hilarious, and has to be seen to be believed <g>) -- but they're all considered too risque to post in the public folders on Compuserve.
I won't link to any of the more explicit pictures. As Silvia says, they're in "pretty good taste", nothing beyond what you might see in an R-rated movie, but just to be on the safe side, I'd rather not link directly to them from here.
Many thanks to Silvia for sharing her remarkable talent and love for Diana Gabaldon's books and characters with the rest of us. I hope she keeps drawing these pictures for a long time to come!
You can see more of Silvia's fan art here.
Yes, Silvia has done some excellent pictures of Jamie and Claire. Most of her pictures (the ones I like best, anyway) are in the Erotic Writing folder on Compuserve.
As I mentioned, I can't provide a direct link to those pictures because they are in a private folder on Compuserve. If you want to see them, you have to ask for permission by posting on Compuserve, as I explained in my post above.
Brianna looks Cate Blanchettish with the eyes slanted. These eyes should've been a tiny bit larger for the size of the face. Even the ears are the size of and placed on the head like Blanchett's own. Look at the brows. See this photo of Cate at
I haven't placed the male face yet, but I'm sure it will come to me in time.
Has the artist shared the IDs of the real people who inspired her?
If you want to know what inspired Silvia or who she used as a model, you can post on Compuserve and ask her yourself. I'm not going to ask her that question.
I love these drawings!! Silvia did a great job, especially with Brianna!! That's very close to how I envision her, I was actually speechless for a moment LOL :). I wish I had her talent!! Like you my artistic portrait drawing peaked with stick people LOL :)
On this thought about how one sees character it reminds me.....normally I don't read characters and think 'hummmm so and so would be a great actor/actress as this person' but as I was reading the first Outlander book I thought Mark Strong would be the PERFECT Dougal....I don't know why I just can totally see him as Dougal :).
Anyway, I tried to get on the Compuserve discussion page and create a screen name but it said the system was down. I will try again tonight, the discussion board sounds like lots of fun :) well until next time m'dear! Cheers!!!
I hope you'll try again to get on Compuserve. The site isn't down, so I'm not sure why you can't get in. Make sure you have all cookies enabled including third party cookies. What web browser are you using? If you're using Safari, try Firefox instead, it works much better.
Hope to see you on the forum soon.
Yes, you need to create an AOL user id if you don't already have one. It's free.