March poll results

Here are the results of the March poll:

Have you ever been to Scotland?
  • 56.01% - No, but I'd love to visit there some day.
  • 17.87% - I visited Scotland long before I knew Diana's books existed.
  • 7.90% - I visited Scotland after I discovered the OUTLANDER books.
  • 5.50% - I'm making plans to visit this year.
  • 3.44% - No, it's too far away, or I can't afford it.
  • 3.09% - Yes, I've been there many times.
  • 2.75% - I've lived in Scotland all or part of my life.
  • 1.03% - I went on an OUTLANDER-themed tour of Scotland.
  • 2.41% - Other
There were 291 votes in this month's poll, which is a pretty high number by my standards.  Thanks very much to everyone who participated! I didn't vote in the poll, but I'm in the majority on this one.  I've never been to Scotland, but I'd love to visit there some day.

The topic for the April poll -- "What is your favorite location in the OUTLANDER books?" -- was suggested by several people at a recent Monday-night chat on My Outlander Purgatory (which is a terrific site for OUTLANDER fans; be sure to check it out if you haven't already). I tried to keep the choices down to a reasonable number, but please feel free to suggest other locations that are not on the list. (You can leave a comment on any of my blog posts, or on the Outlandish Observations Facebook page.)

And no, before you ask, you can't vote for more than one choice at a time. Sorry. I realize that makes it more difficult for some people to decide, but just do the best you can. Thanks in advance for taking the time to vote!


  1. I didn't see it in the poll, but my favorite location is the Inverness area of the Highlands and Leoch, basically that whole area they're in when they first marry.
  2. Julie:

    Good point. I should have include a "Scotland (other)" category. Thanks for voting, anyway. :-)

  3. Hi Karen - just seeing this. My favorite Outlander place is Boston, cuz it's in my backyard, the place where the Revolution started, and the last place Frank was alive!

  4. Bedelia:

    Thanks for mentioning that! (It always comes down to Frank, huh? <g>) Happy Easter!


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.