From Diana Gabaldon on Compuserve this morning, in response to a question about whether LORD JOHN AND THE SCOTTISH PRISONER would be published soon:
I hope to come somewhere close to finishing _writing_ the book by the end of May-ish. Assuming I succeed <g>, it'll be out this fall.

Let's hope the writing continues to go well!  I will, of course, let you know if I hear anything about a possible release date.


  1. Thanks for the update, Karen. I can't wait to read all about Lord John's new adventures with his beloved Scottish Prisoner! :-)
  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have read the entire series and loved them all.
    Because I re-read Outlander for my review, I'm probably going to re-read the rest of the series.
  3. Kathy:

    These books stand up amazingly well to re-reading. There's so much detail in each book, you can't possibly pick up everything on the first reading, or the second,or...you get the idea. :-)


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.