A little Stonehenge humor

I just saw this link on Facebook (thanks, Claire!) and I couldn't resist passing it along.

Ikea Stonehenge infographic

I thought it was hilarious. Enjoy!


  1. I love browsing IKEA. One of the only two stores in TX is a mere 15 minutes from my driveway and up I-35. This is amuZing.

    I've a photo of me lying on the sacrificial stone at Stonehenge.....just like Tess. Got there prior closing to the general public!

  2. Carla:

    You're lucky to have been able to get such a close-up look at Stonehenge! I would love to visit there some day.

    I don't have an IKEA store near where I live, but I've been to them before, in other places. And I have certainly done my share of assembling bookcases and things like that from instructions that looked like this. :-)


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