An article about haggis

I just saw this article on and thought some of you might be interested:

Is haggis really that disgusting?

Don't blame me; that's the actual title of the Salon article!

I have very little personal experience of the stuff myself.& The only time I've ever tasted it was last summer, when I had haggis and chips from a Scottish food vendor at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. And it wasn't bad, really, if you didn't think too hard about what's in it or how it's made. <g>


  1. Yummy - I was in Edinburgh last year and had haggis daily in some form or other. Stuffed inside a chicken breast, layered between meats etc... it's delicious. Just having celebrated Burns Night over here will be why you're finding Haggis articles I suspect :)

    And.... I don't believe many places still use a sheep's stomach to hold it all together these days.
  2. Yuck to haggis; many Americans don't even like giblets at Thanksgiving. So.....take a look at an amusing URL regarding VEGETARIAN haggis:
  3. rsvp2mee:

    Ewww! That sounds pretty awful. :-)

  4. It's like oatmeal with a lot of onions.
  5. Have had it once. The taste wasn't bad--it tasted pretty much like lamb. The texture was a bit odd, thought. The worst part is just knowing everything that goes in it...

    Glad to have tried it once...don't need to try it again!
  6. Yep i had it whilst in Scotland and it was delicious!

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