Interesting interview with Diana

Remember the scene in VOYAGER where Jamie and Claire are eating rolls stuffed with "pigeon minced wi' truffles"? (Chapter 28, "Virtue's Guardian", p. 356 in the hardcover)

A fan named Theresa Carle-Sanders interviewed Diana Gabaldon for her food web site, IslandVittles. Check out Diana's latest blog post. Then go read the interview here. Among other things, Theresa has this to say:

The meal of hot rolls stuffed with minced pigeon and truffle that Jamie and Claire, and eventually Jamie’s nephew, Young Ian, share at the beginning of Chapter 28 in Voyager is, for me, the most memorable of the dozens of meals that I have savoured while reading Outlander and its 6 sequels. From the royal table of Louis XV, to a barbecue for hundreds on the expansive lawn of a North Carolina plantation, Jamie and Claire have literally eaten everywhere.

I agree, this is one of the most memorable meals Jamie and Claire have had. (With the possible exception of the infamous "turtle soup" scene later in that book. <g>)

Theresa has included her version of the recipe here (using quail as a substitute for pigeon). I'm not nearly ambitious enough of a cook to try this myself, but it looks delicious! <g>


  1. Many thanks for this link, Karen. I knew Diana had a huge fan base, but I have been overwhelmed with the response and support I've gotten from you all for my Food from Fiction post. It's going to make it had to top it with the next one! Theresa

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