Reactions to THE EXILE
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Mid-January 1744 - Jamie comes to Claire at the Abbey; Faith is conceived (OUTLANDER)
January 3, 1745 - Hal and Minnie are married in Amsterdam (A FUGITIVE GREEN)
January, 1758 - William is born (VOYAGER)
January, 1758 - Lord John and Percy meet for the first time (BOTB)
January 1, 1765 - Jamie and Laoghaire dance at Hogmanay celebration (VOYAGER)
January, 1770 - Jamie, Claire, and Ian leave River Run to search for Roger (DRUMS)
January 1, 1771 - Hogmanay celebration; the Beardsley twins arrive on the Ridge (FIERY CROSS)
January 21, 1776 - The house on Fraser's Ridge fails to burn down as predicted (ABOSAA)
January 1, 1777 - Ian accidentally kills Mrs. Bug (ECHO)
Late January, 1777 - Tom Christie is told of the fire on Fraser's Ridge (ECHO)
January, 1778 - General Simon Fraser is buried in Corrimony, Scotland (ECHO)
January, 1966 - Frank Randall dies in a car accident (VOYAGER)
My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.
I was surprised, though, with how short it was. For some reason I was expecting a much longer book, a complete retelling of the entire Outlander book. I was really disappointed when it ended.
Well, Diana was very clear about that from the beginning, that it wasn't going to be a straight re-telling of the entire book. Maybe we'll see another OUTLANDER graphic novel sometime in the future, now that this one has proved successful (in terms of sales, I mean).
And yes I bought the book, The Exile all recently added to my collection. Even if it is in English, it is not so complicated to read.They are little phrase and I translate a few sentences to me more difficult to understand.
I just loved it!
But I probably would have never bought this book if the story had not turned around the Outlander series, is mostly out of curiosity as I do.
The images are superb! And I'm not shocked at all by doing that the characters are different than I had imagined.
I really enjoyed the story is somewhat different even if I found a little short. To see the story on another point of view, including that between Murtagh and some other thought Jamie. In the original novel, we know the feelings of Claire while in the latter we have confirmation of feelings for Jamie. I liked this approach.
Having said that, I am pleased for Diana to have honored her love of GN's and I'm glad for all who partiicpated in the creation that it's doing so well.
I probably won't read another one for a long time. :)
Can't please everyone all the time,after all..
I would much rather spend the money on the books, especially since I am a LJG fan and want to be able to buy those also.
But I was generally confused with this book. I like the images at the beginning but not after they got cartoony and it was difficult to tell the men apart. I would have liked to have seen a more artistic wedding portrait vs the cartoony one that was in the book. The tartans had me confused.. why were Colum and Dougal wearing so much red instead of Mackenzie green? The overabundance of boobs was distracting. Gellie's eyes were wrong, Claire's eyes were wrong, Claire was missing her two wedding rings.
I did like the change in perspective.. but I didn't like the addition of Kenneth.. because he seemed to be too involved in everything to have not been noticed.