"A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" FAQ

We're just three days away now from the release of Diana Gabaldon's latest story, "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows", in the SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH anthology. I can't wait to hear what the rest of you think about this story!
I have put together a FAQ for "Leaf", which you can see by clicking on the tab that says "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows" at the top of this page. I hope it's helpful to you.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some people have started to receive their pre-ordered copies of the book already, even though the release date isn't until November 16. If you are one of those people who were lucky enough to get an early copy of the book, I would ask you not to talk about Diana's new story here until Tuesday. Thanks!
Love your Blog,
Susan H.