If you live outside the U.S.

Diana Gabaldon's latest blog post explains why the various special offers that Random House has been running lately (like the free OUTLANDER book giveaway) are not available to readers outside the U.S., and why THE EXILE hasn't been published in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany.

I would really encourage you to go and read what Diana has to say. Please pass the word to anyone you know outside the U.S. who might be interested.

If you have any questions about this, don't ask me -- I really don't know anything at all about international publication of Diana's books! Post your question on Diana's blog


  1. Hi Karen,
    Aussie readers should go to this link http://www.booko.com.au/books/isbn/9780345505385 and they can buy the book from the US Depository for AUD$20.01 with free delivery. Im ordering mine today :)

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