Why aren't all men like Jamie Fraser?

I just saw this and had to pass it on. Enjoy!

Why aren't men like Jamie Fraser?


  1. Karen, thanks for the shout out! And as an Outlander fan, I can't believe I didn't know about your blog. What a ton of fun! And how great that you got to meet Diana herself. Love the pictures.
  2. Carolyn - nice to see you here! Take the time to look around, there's a LOT of information here.

    I'm glad you liked the pictures. :-)

  3. Who is Jamie Fraser?
  4. Vanilla:

    He's the hero of Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER series. 6'4", red hair, amazingly good-looking, great in bed <cough>, basically, irresistible to Diana's female readers (and there are a LOT of them!)

    There's a graphic novel coming out on Sept. 21 called THE EXILE, in which Jamie has a major role. Check out Diana Gabaldon's blog for pictures.

  5. Oh, and how could I forget....he's an 18th century Scottish Highlander, so he wears a kilt. <g>

  6. Ha ha! Thanks for pointing us to that Karen! Still trying to think of interesting stuff for my Jamie "essay"...
    By the way, award coming at you on Thursday :-)
  7. I found your blog a few weeks ago and have so enjoyed it! I only recently (this year) found the Outlander series. Now I have read them all and don't know what to do with myself. :)

    One of my friends linked this story on Facebook and I couldn't help but think that this man is a modern day Jamie Fraser, sacrificing his life for his wife and unborn child. (http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/39146785/ns/today-today_people)
  8. Thanks for passing this on to us. I love your blog; you find and pass on to us so many interesting, educational, and funny things!

    Susan (susantjbh at Compuserve)
  9. Shelly-Lynn:

    I heard about that story a couple of days ago, but didn't make that connection. Wow! You are entirely right.

    So glad you've been enjoying my blog!

  10. Susan:

    Welcome! It's good to see you over here. :-) Glad you've been enjoying my blog.


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