Random House OUTLANDER book giveaway

I just saw this on LOL and I wanted to get the word out quickly:

Random House is offering a new book giveaway of the special promotional version of OUTLANDER, similar to the one they did last year before AN ECHO IN THE BONE was published.

Here's the text of the announcement:
Do you want to be a Diana Gabaldon ambassador? Just click here, fill out the form, and you could receive 10 copies of OUTLANDER* to pass along to friends, family and anyone who should be reading the OUTLANDER series!

Winners will be chosen at random, and will also receive a copy of THE EXILE, Diana Gabaldon’s graphic novel from Del Rey.

* while supplies last
I'm not going to enter the contest myself, but I just wanted to pass along the information for the rest of you. Please spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested!

The picture above shows the front cover of the special promotional edition. Personally, I just love this cover! <g>

Good luck, and if you have any questions about the contest, please post on the Random House site. I'm not affiliated with this contest in any way, just helping to get the word out. (I'm sure Diana will get this announcement up on her blog and web site just as soon as she has a moment to breathe. <g>)


  1. Thanks for posting a link to this contest Karen!
  2. I discovered the Outlander series on Amazon.com-The Kindle version was being offered for free in October 2011. I had no idea what the book was about but OMG am I glad I read it!!! I finished the entire series in 2 months and am officially an Outlander addict. -Jennifer T.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.