"OUTLANDER: The Musical" Lyrics

The lyrics to the songs on the "OUTLANDER: The Musical" CD are now available on the musical's web site, OutlanderTheMusical.com.

If you've been looking for the Gaelic words to the "Blood of My Blood" song, they can be found here.

I have listened to the CD often enough to have the words pretty much memorized <g>, but still it's interesting to see the Scots dialect in written form like that.

Please pass this along to anyone you know who may be interested. Thanks! (And if you haven't voted in the September poll yet, please take a moment to do so.)


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.