I was browsing on Amazon just now, and decided to check the page for SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH (the anthology due out on November 16 with Diana Gabaldon's story about Roger's parents, "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows", in it) to see if the cover picture had been updated yet. It hasn't, but I did notice that they are now showing the Kindle edition of the book available for pre-order.

The link for the Kindle edition is here. Current price says $12.99. (Please note, this information is subject to change. There were issues with the availability of the Kindle version of WARRIORS when it came out in March, and I hope that won't happen again.)

I have no idea about the availability or pricing for other e-book versions. And no, I don't actually own a Kindle. <g> Just passing this information along, for what it's worth.


  1. Thanks, Karen! I do have a Kindle, so I was interested to see your post (although I generally end up buying Diana's books/stories in all versions...hardback, paperback AND Kindle!) (g)
  2. I'll wait until it comes out for my Sony Reader.

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