OUTLANDER: The Musical - official web site

The official web site for "OUTLANDER: The Musical" is now up and running (thanks to Michelle Moore). It includes (among other things):
- Information on how to order CDs
- Samples from ALL of the tracks on the CD (set up as a playlist, so you can listen to them all in order as well as individually)
- The mp3 version of "Is Tu Fuil ‘o Mo Chuislean" ("Blood of My Blood"), which Diana says you are welcome to download and share with your friends.
- Brief bios of the songwriters, Mike Gibb and Kevin Walsh.
I would encourage you to check it out!
If you don't know what this is all about, read the explanation on Diana Gabaldon's web site. CDs will be available for purchase starting August 1, but you can pre-order now, as I did, through PayPal, by following the instructions on the OutlanderTheMusical site.
Please spread the word to anyone else you think might be interested!