June poll results

Here are the results of the June poll.

What is your favorite "mmphm" scene from the OUTLANDER books?

  • 48.9 % - OUTLANDER - wedding night (Chapter 15, "Revelations of the Bridal Chamber")
  • 16.8 % - VOYAGER - turtle soup (Chapter 56, "Turtle Soup")
  • 10.9 % - DRAGONFLY - farewell scene (Chapter 46, "Timor Mortis Conturbat Me")
  • 7.3 % - FIERY CROSS - in the barn (Chapter 49, "In Vino Veritas")
  • 4.4 % - DRUMS - Roger and Bree's handfasting night (Chapter 40, "Virgin Sacrifice")
  • 4.4 % - ECHO - in the garden (Chapter 50, "Exodus")
  • 1.5 % - ABOSAA - after Claire's rescue (Chapter 29, "Perfectly Fine")
  • 5.8 % - Other

There were 137 votes in this month's poll. Thanks to everyone who participated! (And thanks also to those who mentioned scenes I didn't include as choices in the poll. <g>) I didn't vote in this poll myself, but I would have gone with the wedding-night scene as well. I don't get tired of it, no matter how many times I've read or listened to it.

The July poll is about your favorite animal from the books. Please take a moment to vote. Thanks!


  1. It hard to pick a favorite, but I would probably choose the wedding night as well. In the wedding night scene in "Outlander" we get a glimpse of the chemistry that Jamie & Claire shared. That alone would bring the fans back again and again, but it was the scene in the end of "Outlander", when Jamie shares with Claire, the devastating rape he endured, and then the utter determination of Claire to reach inside of Jamie, and begin to purge those demons. The wedding night was the beginning and it was full of chemistry, humor, hope and dreams ...but it was the depth of the humiliation, guilt and shame Jamie endured at Randall's hand and Claire's utter determination to reach inside and purge the demons left behind. It was Claire's fearless response and refusal to give up, that was the beginning the love story that would bring us back time and again. It was the beginning, the story of Jamie and Claire, two young, fearless, strong, but humanly flawed characters that grew and matured with the progression of each book. It is the story we want to continue…

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.