Diana's latest blog post

Check out Diana Gabaldon's latest blog entry, which is all about her recent visit to North Carolina, during which she spent some time walking battlefields at various Revolutionary War sites. Very interesting comments! I have never been to the battlefield at Guilford Courthouse, NC, but it's not far from where I live, and now I'm thinking I really should go visit it sometime soon. If any of you have been there, or to any of the other battle sites featured in the OUTLANDER or Lord John books, feel free to post your own impressions here.

It looks like the comments feature is still turned off on Diana's blog. unfortunately, so you can't comment there directly. But if you want to tell Diana what you think, there's a thread on Compuserve, here.

If you are interested in more of Diana's thoughts on this subject, check out the podcast she did in October, 2008.


  1. Wow, thanks for the post. A beautiful read. I am really enjoying the battle parts of her books. Others may disagree, but it is so much of our history. I can really get a sense of time and place and think of what my ancestors had to deal with in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

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