"Time Travelling Scots" on BBC Radio

I saw this posted on LOL and I thought I'd pass it on. (Thanks, Margaret, for letting us know!)

There is going to be a program on BBC radio on Monday, May 10, at 11:30 am (UK time) called "Time Travelling Scots".
A tale of Scottish history, romance and time travel, telling how former Doctor Who companion Frazer Hines inspired Diana Gabaldon to write a series of bestselling novels.
I believe this is the radio show that Diana did with Frazer Hines when she was in Scotland last July. [EDIT to add: Yes, it is. Diana just confirmed that on Compuserve, when I asked.] It sounds interesting, and I really hope that there will be a way for those of us who live outside the UK to listen to it, too.

If I have the time difference right, I think the show will be on at 6:30 am ET on May 10. (Which is fine with me, as I'm pretty much always online at that time of the morning anyway. <g>) And if you can't listen on that day, the show will be repeated on May 15.

Link is here, for anyone who's interested.

UPDATE 5/7/2010 4:58 pm: If you are on the west coast of the U.S., please note that the replay of this program will be at 6 am UK time on May 15, which corresponds to 10 pm Pacific time on Friday, May 14. That would presumably be a lot more convenient for many of you than getting up in the middle of the night on the 10th to listen to this!


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