Unusual words found in ECHO

I have always been fascinated by Diana Gabaldon's use of obscure or unusual words in her writing. Here are a few of my favorites from AN ECHO IN THE BONE, in no particular order:

contumely - p. 281
stultiloquy - p. 323 (this one is my favorite new word from ECHO)
inanition (twice, first on p. 348, then on p. 617)
bibulous - p. 471
dubiety - p. 561
mephitis - p. 211
perfervid panegyric - p. 371  (and I just LOVE the combination of these two in a single phrase - sort of "two for the price of one" <g>)
abatis - p. 573
palimpsest - p. 386
cocking a snook - p. 523

What about the rest of you?  Is there a particular word or phrase that you encountered for the first time in ECHO?

For more examples of unusual words from Diana Gabaldon's books, look here.


  1. Karen,

    Your blog is one my very favorites. I look forward to every post! So, I gave you an award. I hope it's ok. It's posted on my blog.

    Thank you!!

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