OUTLANDER Links, Part 9: Historical Events
"Death of Brig-General Simon Fraser Ygr of Balnain (1729-1777)" by Benjamin West. (Click on the picture to see a full-size view.) Can't you just imagine Jamie kneeling by the General's bedside, with Claire nearby and William hovering somewhere in the background?

"The Idle 'Prentice Executed at Tyburn", by William Hogarth (1747). Whenever I read the part in BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE where Lord John encounters the mob at Tyburn, I think of this famous engraving. The amount of detail in it is just amazing. (Again, click on the picture to see what I mean.) Whether it's a representation of a real or fictional hanging at Tyburn, it certainly gives a very vivid impression of what it must have been like!

"French Fireships Attacking the English Fleet off Quebec" (painting by Dominic Serres, the Elder, 1767). This incident is portrayed in Diana Gabaldon's new Lord John story, "The Custom of the Army".

An antique postcard depicting the Citadel of Quebec and the Plains of Abraham, with a view of the famous cliff. There's a lot more about this incident in "The Custom of the Army".

If you find these links interesting, check out my previous "OUTLANDER Links" blog entries:
OUTLANDER Links, Part 14: 18th Century Clothing
OUTLANDER Links, Part 13: Plants and Herbs
OUTLANDER Links, Part 12: Standing Stones
OUTLANDER Links, Part 11: Science and Technology
OUTLANDER Links, Part 10: Weaponry
OUTLANDER Links, Part 8: 18th Century Medicine
OUTLANDER Links, Part VII: Gemstones
OUTLANDER Links, Part VI: Wildlife
OUTLANDER Links, Part V: Castles and Palaces
OUTLANDER Links, Part IV: Native Americans
OUTLANDER Links, Part III: All Things Scottish
OUTLANDER Links, Part II: Colonial North Carolina
OUTLANDER Links, Part I: Culloden
What Do These Things Look Like?