A little news


As of 3/25/2010, Amazon.com appears finally to have fixed the issues with the WARRIORS anthology (containing Diana Gabaldon's latest Lord John story, "The Custom of the Army").

The Kindle version of WARRIORS reappeared on Amazon's site yesterday. Click here to download it. The hardcover edition is also available on Amazon, here.

I have no connection whatever with Amazon. I did, however, mention the problems (and the frustration they were causing!) to Diana on Wednesday, and it appears that she may have contacted someone who could actually do something about it. So, if I helped in some small way to get the problem fixed, I'm happy about that.


  1. Awesome tree. I only note one discrepancy (or spoiler?). Ian and Rachel are not married or anything...yet. I guess maybe she assumed they will be but I've learned not to make too many assumptions with these books.
  2. I can only see the left hand side (no slide bar at the bottom). How can I see a larger version? Does the artist have a website?
    Thank you.
    Mary Boren, Roseville, CA
  3. Henry Grey is missing ??
  4. @Mary - the artist's web site is here:


    I don't read or understand German, though, so that's all I can tell you.

  5. What was the problem with the Kindle download of Warriors? I pre-ordered it and read Custom of the Army, asp. I haven't read anything else in the book but I intend to, don't tell me I'm missing parts! I see the price has gone up significantly since when I bought it for $8.18.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.