ECHO in paperback

According to, the trade-paperback edition of Diana Gabaldon's AN ECHO IN THE BONE is scheduled for release on June 22, 2010.

Diana has mentioned on Compuserve that this trade-paperback version of ECHO will include an eight-page preview of the upcoming OUTLANDER graphic novel, THE EXILE, which is due out on September 28, 2010.

So, if you've been waiting to purchase ECHO until the paperback is available, or if you just want a copy that's easier to carry around with you, or if you're an obsessive collector who simply must have every edition of every Gabaldon book ever published <g>, you can pre-order ECHO in paperback from Amazon here.


  1. What's the price of this it much cheaper that its hard cover?
  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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