Jamie and Claire fan art

This is supposed to be Jamie and Claire on their wedding day, of course. (If the clothing doesn't give that away, the cloth wrapped around their wrists surely ought to! <g>)
The artist's name is Lilly, and that's all I know about her. The picture was posted on Photobucket, here. Isn't this gorgeous?! Jamie's eyes are not exactly the way I pictured them, but that's a minor quibble, because I think the artist got everything else just right.
And you'll notice, along the left side of the portrait, that Diana Gabaldon has signed it! I didn't see this at first, but on a closer look, it's definitely Diana's signature.
This is why I pay attention to the information I get from Sitemeter about who's reading my blog. I happened to notice this morning that someone visited my blog yesterday via a link from a site I'd never heard of before, My Outlander Purgatory, and exploring that site, I stumbled across this picture of Jamie and Claire.
My Outlander Purgatory looks like a terrific blog, btw, with lots of good stuff for OUTLANDER fans. (Carol, if you're reading this, please drop me a comment!)