Diana's book-tour is over

Diana Gabaldon's two-month-long book-tour of the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, and Australia came to an end today, and she is back home at last!

I am delighted that she has come home for good, because it means that my job as Section Leader in the Diana Gabaldon section of the Compuserve Books & Writers Forum is about to get much, much easier. I do my best to answer questions in Diana's absence, but really, there's no substitute for getting answers directly from Herself. <g> And now that she's no longer a) traveling, or b) under deadline pressure, Diana will have a lot more time to respond to questions and comments on the forum.

It's been an exhilarating, entertaining, and sometimes exhausting two months since AN ECHO IN THE BONE came out. (Has it really only been two months? It feels much longer than that!) I'm delighted by the response to the initial discussions of the book on Compuserve, but at the same time I'm rather worn out by the effort it's taken to keep up with all the posts. I am most definitely in need of a break!


  1. I met Diana at the book signing at North Sydney. It was great to see her in the flesh (she is so tiny!!) and also very funny.

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