Videos from Diana's book-signing

Here are some YouTube videos of Diana Gabaldon's appearance in Columbia, Maryland, on September 29, 2009. Thanks very much to Nikki Rowe on Compuserve for letting me know about this!

Part 1 (I'm in this one, about halfway back, waiting in the signing line)

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

And just when I thought it couldn't get any better....on Thursday Diana posted this on Compuserve:

It was a GREAT thrill to meet you in person! Like I said, I kept noticing you in the audience while I was talking, and thinking, "I must know that person, she looks _so_ familiar..." <g> I'm so pleased that they sent me somewhere close enough to you to see you.

SHE was thrilled to meet ME?!? Imagine that. I'm more than a little overwhelmed to hear it.


  1. Thanks for posting these Karen. Great to see you there too. Now I know just what I'll be missing Monday. This makes up for it... a little!

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