WARRIORS anthology available for pre-order

WARRIORS Anthology and "Custom of the Army"

As some of you may be aware, Diana Gabaldon has written a new Lord John story, titled "The Custom of the Army", to be published in an anthology called WARRIORS, edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois.

I found out today that WARRIORS is now available for pre-order on Amazon. The publication date is March 16, 2010. I asked about this on Compuserve this morning, and Diana confirmed that the date shown on the Amazon listing is accurate.

Diana also had this to say about the book:

I would note that there are a lot of excellent authors included in that anthology, so even if you _do_ primarily want "Custom of the Army," I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy a lot of the other stories, too.

I'm not sure whether I will pre-order, or wait until the book comes out so I can browse through it in the bookstore. It's a hardcover, with a cover price of $27.99, which is pretty expensive if you're mainly interested in the Lord John story. But I thought I'd pass the information along in case any of you are interested.

You can find more information about "Custom of the Army" on Diana's blog, here, and an excerpt from the story is here. From what I have seen of it so far, it looks like a fun story, and a must-read for Lord John fans!


  1. Did you see that the price has already gone down?

    And again it's funny that book+shipping from the USA (or UK) to Germany is cheaper than buying from Amazon GER... Maybe the price will go down here as well till March.

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