
Diana Gabaldon Web Site Updated

Diana Gabaldon's web site is back up, after being down all day yesterday. Check out the latest update, including pictures of some of the lucky recipients of the special-edition OUTLANDER paperbacks from the recent contest on the Random House site. And the Tours page on her site has also been updated with the latest information on Diana's book-tour.


In other news...I've started playing around with Facebook (got talked into it by my nieces when they visited this summer <g>) Just a bit, mind; I really don't have time to explore it in any detail just now. But if you are interested, visit my Facebook page here.

And yes, I realize that Diana blogged about her own new Facebook page earlier this week. Coincidence? Well...um...no, actually, that's what prompted me to start fiddling with mine. <g>


  1. Looks like the site is down again today. Hopefully it won't be down long. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. Keep trying, I guess. All I can tell you is that it's working for me.

  3. I just tried it again, and didn't work for me either....but of course will keep at it.

    Just invited you to be friend on facebook. I'm new there too!!! I haven't taken the time to see how it all works, so only posted a couple of things....but so far it has been great for connecting to immediate family and 1st/2nd/3rd cousins that I haven't seen in years or never met.

    By the way, Em is also on facebook. It took me a while to figure out who she was.....When I saw her (eyeball) profile picture I thought it was some crazy person...but then, we all know she is a bit crazy. Hahaha. And she agrees with me....Jamie's butt picture in the GN should NOT be (covered up)!!! Hehehe.

    It's all fun....and crazy....Diana's books have introduced us to a lot of great people and fans. Who would have ever guessed that I'd be on Compuserve and Facebook talking to people I've never met but would like to???

    At my age....Never in a million years....but then, here I am???

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