More on Diana's book-tour

September 22nd Launch Party

Those of you in the vicinity of Phoenix, Arizona, take note: Diana's web site has been updated with detailed information about the launch party for AN ECHO IN THE BONE, planned for the evening of September 22nd.

Book Tour Plans

I will be attending Diana's book-signing at the Harris County Library in Columbia, MD, at noon on Tuesday, September 29. If any of you are planning to be there too, please let me know. And if you haven't yet signed up, go here to register for the event. This will be my first time meeting Diana in person, and I am VERY much looking forward to it! <g>

What about the rest of you? I think it would be interesting to see how many of you are planning to attend one of Diana's events on the upcoming book-tour, and where. And if you have any tips for those of us who haven't been to one of Diana's book-signings before, please post a comment here.

Updated Itinerary

The Random House site was updated recently with several more additions to Diana's book-tour itinerary. Please note that Diana says these things change frequently, so watch that site for further updates.


  1. This is exciting!
    I just looked at the random house site and I am sooo thrilled. Diana Gabaldon is going to be in my area which was not the case when the tour dates first went out! Yeah!!
    Thanks for posting as you helped me out. figure out the details as to whether or not I need to register for the event...hmmm...
  2. At the last book signing here in NZ the promo people gave us a post-it note to write down the name we wanted in the front of our book. This helps Diana out with spelling and (due to our accents *g*) the pronunciation. To save time do this before you go.
  3. ibeeeg - glad it was helpful to you!

    Anonymous - thanks for the tip, it does sound like a good idea.

  4. I will also be attending at the Howard County library. Hopefully I'll see you there to say hi!
  5. I have been to many of her book signings. I used to be able to have a nice chat with her while she signed my book. This was in the 90's Now when I go the lines are VERY long ( this is in L.A. ) She is so very popular with fans now. My advice ? For my area ( Pasadena, Ca,) Come early & prepare to stand in a very long line!

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