Diana at the Inverness Highland Games

Diana Gabaldon at the Inverness Highland Games

Here is a video that was added recently to Diana Gabaldon's YouTube channel. It shows Diana at the Inverness Highland Games in Scotland in July 2009. Diana mentioned on Compuserve that this video was produced by Orion Books, her UK publisher.

I really enjoyed this video. I think it's very interesting to hear what other fans think of the books. And the brief glimpses of men in kilts are just an added bonus. <g>

Special note to UK readers: According to this video, and also the Orion Books web site, the publication date for the UK hardcover edition of AN ECHO IN THE BONE has changed again, to 7 January 2010.


  1. Hi Karen! I love your blog! It is my daily check in along with all of the other sites pertaining to "Herself" and all things Jamie and claire! I am giving you an award! I'm not sure if you've had this one already, but I just love your site!
    Pick it up here: http://bookblabbing.blogspot.com/2009/08/zombie-chicken-award-and-booking.html
  2. Lisa:

    Thank you so much for the award! I'm glad you've been enjoying my blog.

  3. You are very welcome! I love your blog BTW!


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